Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan
Stars: 4
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Though I am all in and ready for fall, I was happy to spend a few days on the beach in Long Island, reading about first love. Annabel Monaghan’s Same Time Next Summer was a sweet story about young love and how that experience can stay with you forever. It reminded me a lot of Every Summer After by Carley Fortune, which I loved.

Sam Holloway began going to the Long Island beach town of Oak Shore with her family when she was five years old. Wyatt Pope is six and her next door neighbor and over the next ten years, the two of them will grow up together over the summers. And they fall in love. It is a young love so it has a purity to it, but it also has the selfishness and all-consuming nature that comes with teenagers, so it doesn’t take much to throw it off course. It’s been fourteen years since Sam and Wyatt broke up , but when Sam comes to Oak Shore with her fiance, Jack, to look at a wedding venue, and runs into Wyatt, all the feels come rushing back. And actually, the feelings might have always been just hidden below the surface.
I enjoyed Monaghan’s writing style and the setup of the story. Her descriptions of being at a beach house and being a kid at the beach, was perfect. Monaghan switches from present day, told in Sam’s perspective, with flashbacks to Sam and Wyatt growing up, switching between their perspectives. I always like a dual POV book, but I wish we could have also gotten Wyatt in the present day as well. I also like a great cast of characters and the Holloway family provided some excellent comic relief.